Following are a few downloads of different Tuning
Software packages and parts manuals that we've used here at Factory Pro.
Links to regular full Yamaha Service manuals are and have always been disabled.
There's been many times when I spent hours on the internet, trying to find a driver or new or old "kit" software - as a guy would drop off a bike, with the tuning cable and had lost or scratched up the CD that had the tuning software.
These are packages that I had in the past and they worked - but, the versions are not necessarily current versions.
Race Software doesn't work on a stock ecu.
cbr600rr 05/06
06 can use 05 cbr600rr ST 38770-MEE-R31 ecu and SS 38770-NL3-900 ecu) and use 2005 FI Tuning software (
cbr600rr, 2010 HRC Software 38771-N1A-D10 - "Save link As" click here
cbr600rr, 08 (inc ecu 06304-N1A-D10) If anyone can zip up the 08 cd and email it to me, I'd appreciate it email)
note: 05/06
software does not work in 08 ecu
cbr600rr, 2009 HRC Software 38771- - "Save link As" click here
cbr600rr, 2010 HRC Software 38771-N1A-D10 - "Save link As" click here
This is a zipped setup.exe file. Unzip and run setup.exe . It comes up "07cbr600kit" when installing - so it will probably work for at least starting at 07 and continuing through 08, 09 and 10. There is no password. You have to load a sample file.
the HONDA Part. 38771-N1A-D10 "2010" software probably will work for 2011. If it "does" or "doesn't", please email
CP210x_drivers (zipped) for tuning software cable Install this "exe" before installing the usb HRC cable. (probably the same drivers as the earlier 03-06 HRC cable)
HRC tuning manual PDF:
Thanks C Heidemann for the 2010 info.
cbr600rr, 11 (if anyone can zip up the cd and email it to me, I'd appreciate it email)
cbr1000rr, 06
cbr1000rr, 08
cbr1000rr, 09
cr450f, 09 FI Setting Tool, Helpful hints and Guide pdf
Easy to follow as far as "How the software works"
Quotes from pdf and clarifications:
Fuel volume up (+):
Small amount will help create quicker throttle response, and will correct lean running condition to compensate for modifications to engine, intake, or exhaust.When dyno tuning on an
EC997 dyno, the engine would usually be tuned with fuel to "Best
Power" at each throttle position and rpm point. Improved throttle
response will be the result (along with better power). Watch the gas
readings for evidence of improper ignition timing with whatever fuel
you are delivering.
Fuel volume down (-): Small amount will help create milder throttle response, and will correct rich running condition compensate for modifications to engine, intake, or exhaust.
Leaning out the mixture from
Best Power settings usually makes the power feel flat, dry and
usually "notchy" on throttle % changes. Not my choice of
power modification methods for
controlling power output.
Ignition timing advance (+): More aggressive power delivery.
Advancing the timing makes more
power if the ignition timing is retarded. It has little to do with
an engine's psychotic episodes.
Ignition timing retard (-): Less aggressive power delivery for good torque and power without an “edgy” feeling.
Experienced tuners with EC997 dynos can tailor the power delivery to the riding conditions. Although the riding conditions seem to be completely different, an EC997 tuner who has national and regional roadrace experience has to deal with "power at part throttle" all the time and have the tools required to provide that service for off road bikes, too. Not sure what they mean by "good torque? Less that ideal advance = less torque.
March 2010 - not so funny story - an EC997 equipped tuner does a map for a national off road team. The team's riders loved it. The next weekend, the pits are all abuzz with the new "map from Japan". I suppose that it would be less unfunny if the tuner hadn't done the work for in "Dude! Where's my sticker?".
zx6r 03-04
maybe seems either only 03-04 (early) or only later model KRT software can be installed on a computer at the same time?
Installs into "c:\program files\RACE"
There's only 1 "standard.est" starting file for the zx600k 03-04 single injector 636 machine.
mod_atlanta_pump - this is not a final map
mod_atlanta_vpmr1 - this is not a final map
zx6r, 05
zx6r / zx10r 07
use serial number KDN-A469001
zx6r, 09-11
KRT 09-11 "Matching Tool" FI tuning
use serial number
zx10r,08-09 (year description as supplied)
Kaw,KRT,ZX10r,08-09,FI tuning manual
(thanks to Pally Kou for providing the 08 manual)
(need a copy of the 08 FI software)
use serial number KDN-A469001
zx10r, 09-10 (year description as supplied)
Kaw,KRT,zx10r,09,FI Tool Software Manual (thanks to Pally Kou for providing the manual)
use serial number KDN-A469001
zx10r, 11
Kaw,KRT,zx10r,09-11,Racing_Kit_Parts_Manual and FI Software Manual
use serial number
R6, 99-02
R6, 00
R6, 01
R6, 03-04-05
R6, 06-07
R6s, 07
R6, 08
YZF-R6, 08 - If there's an "exe" install for FTDI usb drivers, it's required to install the driver before plugging in the "tuning cable" to your computer.
YZF-R6, 08
use yms2-1224-9694-3872 as password
R6 Notes:
August 2016:
If using the mythical "R6 YEC ecu adapter wire harness" with a stock
wire harness (as opposed to running a YEC kit race bike harness),
Sidestand safety switch must be NOT jumped, or bike will not rev past 7500 - 8500 rpm. (might be the pit road speed limiter uses that circuit with that harness)
When testing, to run the bike, you need to plug the 2 big, black, stock wire harness connectors into the YEC ecu. Let the big black connector from the YEC adapter remain unplugged. Don't spend hours trying to find out where it plugs into or if you have the right harness.
To read and write to the YEC ecu, Unplug the right, big, black, stock harness connector from the YEC ecu and plug the big, black, YEC harness connector into the YEC ecu and do the read or write as per the Yamaha YEC FI Matching software. Then plug the stock, big, black harness connector back into the YEC ecu to run the bike.
quick shifter, 2 wire, switch type: Connect one qs wire to the YEC ecu blue and the other wire to the YEC ecu red/white.
R1, 07-08
YEC USB Driver, 08 version, zip - If there's an "exe" install for usb drivers, it's required to install the driver before plugging in the "tuning cable" to your computer.
YEC Matching Software (tuning) zip
use yms2-1224-9694-3872 as password
Yam,R1,R6,08,YEC kit parts
YEC R1 stacks are a short 55mm and 65mm. They do not work well on a stock engine. It would be surprising if they worked well on a modified engine.
R1, 09-12
2012/2010_FI_Matching_System_Manual_English.pdf downloaded 2012 (2010 vintage)
R1 09 Kit Manual in English.pdf
Note: The YEC stacks are meant for a full kit engine. They DEFINATELY
do not work well on stock engine.
R1 09
Tools Manual English.pdf -
Nice and simple to follow.
Note: USA builders usually measure cam "Lobe Centers" at 1mm lift. Yamaha
measures cams at 3mm from either side of "peak" valve lift - Both methods
are repeatable. What you "should" be doing is finding out what "your" engine
wants, not what "it should" want. Amusing stories "over the years" of guys
talking about "a new way" to measure cams - and this is what they were
doing. If you want to talk to most engine USA builders, though, you'll need to
measure what is called "Lobe Centers" at 1mm lift.